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Nature Study

For this project, a natural phenomenon was studied, and a concept design was inspired by that phenomenon. The natural phenomenon studied was phototropism.

Phototropism is the directional growth of an organism toward a light source. The term is often used to describe the movement of the branches of a plant in order to get exposed to more light.


Phototropism is one of the many tropisms or movements plants do to respond to external stimuli.

Others are:

* Hydrotropism
* Thermotropism

* Chemotropism

* Thigmotropism


With the concept of tropisms in mind, the following concept for a wind turbine was conceived. This concept design attempts to overcome the #1 reason for which wind turbines fail nowadays. The blades on current wind turbines are often unable to withstand stresses produced by high velocity winds, and as a result the whole turbine collapses.  

This wind-turbine has the ability to transform depending on the wind velocity, and can hide or unhide its blades. Below a model was made to illustrate the functionality of the transformation. 

Nature Study Model

Nature Study Model

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